The Hateful Beast is like the anti-mascot. It’s the character you see on all of Hale's Heating & Cooling's service vehicles, website, and advertising.
He LOVES to leave people without cooling on hot summer days or heating during the winter months – but what else does he love?
- First Memory:
A sound of a human crying over a broken air conditioner. It still fills his heart with warm memories.
- Favorite Meal: Frozen pizza, iced coffee, freon cheesecake for dessert
- Favorite Drink: Freon Martini — shaken, not stirred
- Favorite Song:
Baby It’s Cold Outside
- Favorite Sports Team:
The Heat… I can’t believe you had to ask!
- Favorite Movie: Heat or Misery — I love human suffering.
- Best Vacation Spot:
Siberia in January. The best cold people viewing!
- Favorite Dance: Break dancing…of course!
- Favorite Joke:
Why did the AC compressor sweat? Because it had to run all day.
- Person you most admire: Willis Carrier – without him, I wouldn’t exist.
- What do you dream about?
Being wrapped in a blanket of cottonwood – with some grass clippings and pet hair mixed in. I feel so warm and cozy – it makes me sleepy.
- Favorite Achievement:
Back in ‘98 I ruined a big wedding reception by breaking down in a mid-August heat wave. The bride actually fainted. I love my bad self.
- Why are you so hateful?
Came from the factory that way – got evil in my coils.
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